Paul Mulshine with this, the greatest Google Reader headline of all time. The title speaks for itself. I was hoping the link would take me to a blank page with "A chicken hawk squawks: Rush Limbaugh should shut up about Ron Paul" in like 72 point font. The article is great too, but definitely the best headline I've read in a while.
The article begins [emphasis mine]:
For a guy who got out of the draft during the Vietnam War because of a big zit on his butt, Rush Limbaugh has a lot of nerve mocking Air Force veteran Ron Paul for refusing to start more wars.
I was driving down I-95 on my way to South Carolina to cover the big presidential primary set for this Saturday when I picked up Limbaugh on a scratchy AM station.
He was rehashing the debate held Monday night in Myrtle Beach. Like most of the hired mouths on talk radio, he had been leaving Ron Paul out of his discussion of the debate.
But for a moment he lapsed into a silly voice meant to be Paul's and said "We don't need more wars" in a mocking tone.
I've had it with these wannabe tough guys who have never actually fought in one of the wars they want to send others off to fight. Forget Vietnam. Limbaugh is young enough to have fought in both Gulf wars. So are Sean Hannity and Mark "Would you buy a used mattress from this man?" Levin.
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